“Listen to the chirping of the birds without the chirping of the mind!” ~ Osho
The Indian summer, when most people crave for a break, is the perfect time to set off for nature trails and treks for bird watching. But the unprecedented and unexpected lockdown due to the pandemic made it next to impossible to venture outdoors.
Stress levels were at an all-time high due to the uncertainty and anxiety that the contagion had posed. Work from home (WFH) was the new norm but not without its set of challenges. In these times, one is always seeking instant gratification or happiness either through the internet or social media or surfing TV channels. However, one ends up spending most of one’s time on gross things that don’t leave us feeling happier, contented, or rejuvenated in the long run. More often than not one ends up feeling low and lost, hopeless and dejected and confused with the bombardment of content on social media and TVs about the pandemic. At such times, the only solace was the windows and balconies of our home, which provided a glimpse to the outside world.
Bird Watching – A lesson in mindfulness
One of the best parts of bird watching is that it makes us look at the world differently. It is about focusing on just one thing—i.e. a bird and admiring nature. The whole practice of mindfulness bird watching is where you’re paying attention to – anyone thing: be it colours, behaviour or the song of the bird. Whatever you choose—it can help root you in the present moment. Since mindfulness is partly about “being” in the place you are in, it helps enhance your mindful experience, real contentment and joy.

Bird Frenzy in Lockdown
It helped that we stayed close to the Aga Khan Palace, Pune, whose gardens and backyard have birding activities. We had spotted several birds even before the lockdown. But the lockdown seemed to have brought about a frenzy in bird activity. Not only we saw most of the backyard birds but even rare birds for which one has to go to a bird sanctuary. The bird calls were louder; there was a flurry of movement, almost as if they had gone wild and were rejoicing at freedom from human interference. Nature had finally reclaimed its spaces which were it’s own. The earth doesn’t belong to man alone, and we share it with other creatures of creation. The birds seemed to be having a hearty laugh as humans were caged, and the birds and animals roamed freely without the danger of the human predator.

Capturing at the Golden Hour
With his DSLR camera in hand, my husband, at the end of his workday, would be ready for bird photography by strategically parking himself near the kitchen window to spot the birds. Evenings were the best time for photography for two reasons. The obvious being that business and meeting calls were over. The second and more important one was that it was the golden hour when sunlight from the west provided ideal lighting conditions for photography.
Look for the sound before the sight
He was suitably rewarded with numerous bird sightings which were beautifully captured in his camera. Since he is a trained ornithologist, the golden rule that he always asks a novice to follow is, ‘Look for the sound before the sight.’ We could hear the ‘tuk, tuk, tuk,’ sound and knew it was the Coppersmith Barbet. Its green body with a red and yellow band near the neck and a dash of the same on the head was its distinguishing feature. He even spotted a juvenile on one of his sightings.

Bird sightings
Our kitchen windowsill has some potted plants with colourful flowers. Mynas and Bulbuls occasionally perch on them but this time around there were more frequent sightings. A mother and juvenile of Rose-ringed Parakeets were spotted on a tree. Typical of maternal instinct to feed and nourish the young ones the mother fed the juvenile some wild berries or fruits. As the juvenile lapped up the food offered the Indian Grey Hornbill on the adjacent tree started competing for attention. The distinctive feature of this grey bird with a white belly is its obvious casque or horny helmet above the bill or beak.
Noisy Babblers
One lazy summer afternoon, the silence was disrupted by the babbling of the Large Grey Babbler in our balcony. This bird is gregarious and always found in flocks which give it another name of Seven Sisters. These birds are like the chatterboxes in the classroom, forever being reprimanded by the teacher to maintain silence.
Kites frequently hover over the grounds, but in the lockdown, they seemed to be now sweeping down lower than usual. One afternoon we found a feather of a kite on our balcony. We soon realized that kites were now perching on the terraces of the buildings a departure from the usual where they preferred the trees. Another raptor spotted was the Shikra almost camouflaged with its dry surroundings. It surprises its prey from a hidden perch and catches them unaware at high speed. The prey is usually lizards, dragonflies, and small birds and mammals.
Southern Coucal – A good omen
The Southern Coucal with its long black tail and copper brown wings is usually found in the undergrowth but now walked unabashed on the blue asbestos pieces in the backyard. Bharadwaj, as it is called in Marathi, this bird, is considered a good omen and a herald of good luck. The only thing on everyone’s mind would be a stroke of some luck with the discovery of a vaccine for the virus, which was far from reality.
Classifying birds in layman’s terms
Birds types in layman’s terms can be classified based on size by comparing them to common birds like crows or sparrows. e.g. A bird smaller than the sparrow is called sparrow minus while the one larger is called sparrow plus. The Cinereous Tit, the size of a sparrow, went ‘whee-chichi’. A lot of these tiny birds were now seen in the surroundings like the Purple Sunbird with its iridescent feathers, sucking nectar from its downward-covered beak. The hyperactive Oriental White Eye with yellowish olive feathers and white eye-ring. Much like human beings, Oriental White-eyes are social birds, and one can see them congregating in flocks of 5-10. They travel in mixed flocks, and birdwatchers refer to this as ‘mixed-hunting parties’. Such flocking improves their feeding efficiency and provide them with better protection from predators. Sunbirds and Oriental White Eye are essential pollinators often found on flowers for nectar and insects.

The Asian koel with its melodious call of ‘ku-ku’ wafted through the air. Almost the size of crow the male has a bluish-black plumage and greenish-grey beak. The female, by contrast, has brown upperparts, heavily speckled with creamy white. Another melodious singer was the Oriental Magpie Robin which even imitated other bird calls.
Birds in vibrant colours
Birds in various colours like the electric-blue and brown White-throated Kingfisher, the bright yellow Golden Oriole, and the greenish-yellow Common Iora were also seen. A Common Tailorbird with its bright green upperparts and white underparts was also spotted. It gets its name for its ability to sew leaves together to make a nest.

For us, this green cover of Aga Khan Palace gardens and its surroundings during lockdown was a saviour. It made us realise the importance of having an ecosystem where not just humans, but diverse flora and fauna mutually coexist and thrive. Every unique creation of God – plants, animals, mountains, rivers, and so on are a legacy to us humans, and it becomes our responsibility not only to admire but also to protect them.
Bird hitting the window
We often hear of birds flying the windows or hitting or pecking the windows. Birds don’t see the glass as a barrier and if their habitat or sky is visible through the clear glass they attempt to fly through what they perceive as an unbroken continuation of outdoor space. In our apartment, we have ensured to keep all plant pots are kept away from glass windows and kept in open balconies and kitchen windowsill. We often see Bulbuls, Mynas, Sunbirds on these bird-friendly plants.
Soulful pictures indeed..nice read?
Thanks Razia.
Very beautiful happy to know we have a bird sanctury in our back yard.Nice clicks Rafiqbhai.?
Thanks, Heena. Yes, we are blessed to have such bewitching and green backyard. Shameera & Rafiq
Superb clicks Sir and nice write-up…Indeed a great location in the backyard….like a small bird sanctuary….
Very well written ….nice pictures too…keep it up So many’s…?
Thanks Dharmesh bhai. ??
beautiful pictures sir
Beautiful pics and truly said we should not only admire but also protect.
Thanks so much, Amina!
Well written and as always your pictures are such a treat Rafiq.
Thank u so much!
Very well written ,read something different in this lock down .You and Rafiq have those eyes to see inside that greenery.
Beautiful pictures Rafiq ,keep it up .
Thanks, Manoj! You are an inspiration. Rafiq
Beautiful pictures..well described..made me feel as if am viewing it live.
Thank you so much!
View from your residence is Paradise for Bird Watching and the click justifies it. Birds specification very well explained. Hope the greenery and it’s native stays intact.
Amazing pictures and very well described also
Felt very happy
Thanks. Glad it made you happy!
Wow. I am spell bound. Thanks a ton for taking the effort to share your experience. Very grateful to you.
May you sight whatever you wish to.
Thanks, Naren. Keep up the good work you doing for the well-being of parents and kids’. Rafiq
Brilliant. A true treat for all bird lovers. Great clicks from home. Blessed to have A home there with this view and surrounding.
Lovely pictures Rafiq,
Thanks, Vivek. Rafiq
I have seen many of your photographs of birds captured at Aga Khan Palace (FB posts) they are always pristine.
This collection and blog is at it’s best.
Thanks, Praveen. Good to see you perusing photography hobby. Rafiq
Such a beautiful read! So informative of all the urban birds that we otherwise miss noticing in our busy lives. And all those lovely clicks bring so many positive vibes in this situation. Thanks for penning this down ?
This is great! Loved it!
Thanks, Akanksha. Rafiq
Rafiq, didn’t know about your this great hidden talent. Pictures are marvellous and so is the brief write up about each bird. Loved reading your blog.
Thanks a lot, Anil. Rafiq
Excellent pictures, that too from the porch or window! Very informative piece about birds.
Thanks, Joydeep. I love your clicks and angels. Rafiq
So beautifully captured and equally beautifully penned , loved it , made my day
Thanks, Shantanu. Rafiq
The article is absolutely marvellous So informative and very well written & What took me by surprise is the amount of birds you manage to capture from your window! I was just blown away! And the photos are simply breathtaking. Congrats and Thank you Rafiq for sharing Your mesmerising collection of photos. Loved every bit of it.
Thanks a lot President Banu. You are always very kind. This blog is just a humble attempt. Humans can’t capture Almighty’s creation. Rafiq
Stunning photography Rafiq! Incredible and informative writing Shameera. Thank you for sharing
Thanks a lot Charlotte. Happy you liked the blog. Rafiq
This was a treat to read and photography marvelously captures the cute little birds.
I stay on nibm road and watch quite a few of these. I too noticed that the birds got louder. Wish we have a sabbath day on Saturday where roads are available only for walking. Nature balance is better. I made friends with a crow family and they join us at tea time.
Many bird names i did not know..will share with my wife. Thanks for this beautiful capture!!
Thanks a lot Parag. Yes, I agree, we need balance and protect nature for our future generations. Happy to know that you made some birds as friends. Rafiq Somani
Nature is supreme . Rafiq you are amazing to capture snaps of beautiful creature .
Thanks a lot Hardhyan. Happy you liked the pictures.
Rafiq and Shameera thanks for sharing . Enjoying birds since lockdown but you put it beautifully in words and pictures . Amazing
Beautiful pics as always Rafiq and the write-up by Shameera complements it beautifully!❤Thanks for sharing ??
Great write-up and lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Suresh. Coming from a ace photographer like you means a lot.
Excellent work Rafiq and Shameera. It clearly demonstrates your passion and how you have shared it with all of us in a manner I could live through your experience . Amazing work done . This has kindled interest in me On this subject . Well done . The photos are also amazing .
Excellent shots – these make a wonderful treat. Pune is ne big city that is also a good place for many birds that you don’t see in most urban areas. Pune Ansys office used to be a good birding spot ~ 2005-2006. Not sure if development has pushed the heavy urbanization to Hinjewadi now.
Thanks Gokul. Fortunately, Ansys Hinjewadi office is still a great spot for birding. I have observed atleast 25+ different species at our office.
Excellent sessions Rafiq ji..
Good participation by all?
Thank you organizers ?
Have a good day and weekend ??
19th Feb 2022
This block is a revision of what we learnt today…Thanks
Writeup is very nice and interesting
Thanks, NSS. I love your enthusiasm to learn. You are getting better every day with your Birding skills. Keep up the good work!